Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chapter 1: The Missing Objective...

Throughout Chapter 1, Layne argues that we have one major objective missing in our reading plans and programs: fostering a love of reading. It goes without saying that today's education system focuses more on the "skill" than the "will" to read due to standardized testing, AYP, etc. However, that is something that is beyond our control. In terms of what we can control within our classrooms, how can we instill a "will" to read in our students so they can avoid becoming the disengaged readers that Layne refers to in his book? What kinds of things are you already doing in your classroom or what ideas do you have that others could try for instilling a love of reading in students?

Why won't Johnny read, even if he can?

Aliteracy Poem

Mrs. Thompson's second graders are amazing!
The principal says they can comprehend anything--
Even a medical textbook.

Mrs. Thompson's second graders are incredible!
The superintendent says their oral reading is completely seamless--
Like the gentle flow of an eternal spring.

Mrs. Thompson's second graders are fantastic!
The PTA president says they finished the reading workbook and
the phonics workbook before the end of the Third Quarter.

Mrs. Thompson's second graders worry me.
You see, I'm the aide who works in Mrs. Thompson's classroom,
And I know something that the others don't.

Mrs. Thompson's second graders don't like to read.

From Life's Literacy Lessons: Poems for Teachers by Steven L. Layne. Copyright 2001 by the IRA.

This poem is found on page one of Igniting a Passion for Reading. Layne defines "aliterate" people as those with the ability but not the desire to read. I think most of us would agree that students come to us with a desire to read and to learn how to read, but they unfortunately lose that somewhere along the way. In your opinion, what are we doing that contributes to our children losing their love for reading?